Kirit Thakore Lifescript
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Feeling Lonely

I want you to look at something right now. Think of some goal you want or maybe its one you’re working on. Think of your relationships, your employment, your health, your dreams and aspirations. Have you experienced a lot of setbacks, a lot of defeats, a lot of disappointments, a lot of stress? Maybe you have already given up. Maybe you just need a little fire, a little encouragement to get back on track again.

There are winners and there are people who have not discovered how to win. There are people who are just going through life instead of growing through life.

All you need is some coaching, all you need is some help and assistance, just a little support. All you need is some insight, or a different strategy or plan of action to make some adjustments, you just need the keys to open up the doors to a whole new future for you. That will give you access to the happiness and success you deserve. That’s all you need.

Girl in cinema

You were born into a script, your movie started playing the day you were born, but the circumstances and actors in your movie were preset. Everything in your movie, till today, has been based around limits set by the life you have led. Your movie will continue to play from your personal history, things you have done, things you have seen. To change your movie, you need to operate from a larger vision of yourself. You need to watch your movie and see you doing the things you want to do, see life happening as you want it to happen. Living that life that brings you joy.

Keys to happiness

All you need are the keys. Life Script will give you the keys to open the door to a movie where you are the star living the life you want to lead. Simple keys that will unlock the biggest of doors.

My Story

On the verge of ending it all, with pills and alcohol were right next to me, I lay there feeling lost with nothing going my way. My family broken and children being being kept from me. Bailiffs constantly at the door, debts raging out of control and piles of unopened brown envelopes everywhere. I could only see one way out.

With my eyes closed, a voice spoke out to me. “Yes, yes is the answer” It was so clear and so deep with emotion. For a moment it took me away from my hellish situation. It got my attention.

I opened my eyes and a film was on TV. The words were spoken by the Angel of Death to Bill, a wealthy businessman, who replies “The answer to what?”.

Death answers back, “The question you ask yourself when you feel your heart beat uncomfortably, when you feel out of breath by just walking up the stairs, when you body aches for no apparent reason and many more moments like this”

It suddenly dawns on Bill. “AM I GOING TO DIE?”.

Death steps forward and says “Yes Bill, you are going to die”

It was like he was talking to me. He may as well have said “YES KIRIT, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE”

But then, Death explains that is on holiday and that Bill must entertain him. When he gets bored, then he will take Bill.

The film just threw a bucket of ice cold water on me, slapped my face and woke me up from my sad state because the message WAS meant for me and was crystal clear. I am going to die, but NOT TODAY!

The Script of my Life changed that instant.

LifeScript will change yours.

We have all been through tough times, you might be going through them now. Maybe work is getting you down, family pressures, money worries, no love, or maybe you are just not feeling confident in yourself. Whatever it is, LifeScript will give you the answers.

Kirit Thakore
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Everyone loves the movies and can relate to them. This alone will have everyone start from a position of interest.

If you’re looking for inspiration and practical advice on how to get unstuck, and design a life and career that fits your interests you’ve come to the right place.

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Who doesn‘t love the movies?

Kirit Thakore Lifescript presentation

It‘s easier to talk about things in life when we can relate to them.

Kirit has been through so many tough times in my life, that there are not many scenarios that he cannot relate too. Being homeless, being broke, getting divorced, feeling ugly and many other life changing events.

We can all relate to movies too, so by using quotes from films, many that we maybe familiar with, we can find the answer to many of our problems.

Kirit has a massive passion for the movies and the way they transport him to different worlds, pure escapism. Films have motivated him personally, helped him through tough times and inspired him to new ventures. He believes, that like songs and books, the films have messages within them and that these messages are here to help us all.


An inspiring observation of life using some of the best movie scripts. Quotes that will get you thinking about your own life and maybe help you see life from another angle. Words that will make you think, definitely make you laugh, motivate you and maybe even cry.

I mean what is it that makes Forrest run? What makes Rocky keep getting back up? What do you need to kill a killer shark? Maybe the inspiration that overcame these hurdles, will help you overcome yours.

We will explore memorable quotes and dialogue from familiar characters and maybe some you are yet to discover that will get you reflecting on your own life and what‘s to come.

With everyone spending hours watching Netflix and consuming video content, film and media, Lifescript is an engaging opportunity for you to reflect on key messages such as staying motivated, being resilient, working with a growth mindset, adapting to and overcoming hurdles and adversity, working with others to achieve goals and finding role models who are inspirational. The discussions will highlight messaging around skills for success in the workplace and in your personal life, defining what success means to you and creating a future which offers you purpose and meaning.

Whether you would like to book a place at one of Kirit‘s public dates or you would like to book him for a staff wellness day or any other engagement then please get in touch and see an enthusiastic and infectious Kirit share his experiences which will surely touch a chord or two.

Kirit Thakore Lifescript presentation - Life of Pi
What is your favourite movie quote?