Kirit Thakore Lifescript
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Film Title: Rocky

Film Quote: “... Remember the mind is your best muscle Big arms can move rocks but big words can move mountains. ...”

Meaning: It's more important what you say than what you look like...

Added by: Michael McCormack on 14/04/2023

Film Title: Shrek

Film Quote: “... That'll Do Donkey, That'll Do......”

Meaning: I like this line because it's pivotal in the film to the relationship change between Shrek and Donkey. Up until this point Shrek maintains that he doesn't care about Donkey and appears to be goading him to force him to cross the bridge but when Shrek delivers this line and his tone changes to a softer tone, Donkey and the audience realise he's crossed the bridge safely. It's like a parent coaxing a child to overcome their fears, or friend to friend, or any relationship where one is trying to help the other without making it obvious. I say it a lot when I feel I've done this successfully, although sometimes in my head as not everyone gets the Donkey reference!

Added by: Renu Patel on 13/04/2023

Film Title: American beauty

Film Quote: “... This isn’t life, this is just stuff and it’s become more important to you than living. Well honey, that’s just nuts....”

Meaning: American beauty had a profound impact on me in my late teens. The movie exposes the cracks in suburban middle class life. The characters have spent much of their life covering them up with a fake veneer. I was and still am, trying to get off that same hamster wheel as Lester Burnham. Back then, I felt like society considered collecting ‘stuff’ more important than collecting experiences and memories. However, it’s got worse. People complain when their amazing delivery doesn’t arrive the next day and gifts handed to young ones at Xmas are slung to one side as they demand to know what gift is up next. I suppose the movie reinforced how I felt about life and that everyone appears to be sleep walking into a zombie state of unhappiness. At the time, I had fallen in love for the first time and spent that year lazing around in English fields during a great summer season without a care in the world. I was living the life Lester Burnham had forgotten. I didn’t want to become the Burnham family.

Added by: Paul on 11/04/2023

Film Title: Platoon

Film Quote: “... I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. And the enemy was in us....”

Meaning: Platoon sits deeply in my heart. Ever since I was a kid, I would always watch war films with my Dad, on a Sunday or at Easter and so for me this quote reminds me of my own father. It has a very philosophical point about we have our own fight within ourselves. This quote does apply to the Vietnam War but at the same time it speaks much about a human condition within us all when we face all sorts of adversity. For me this quote shows a great awareness of self and a search for happiness.

Added by: Joe Geary on 11/04/2023

Film Title: John Wick 4

Film Quote: “... How you do anything, is how you do everything ...”

Meaning: To me, it speaks about excellence, and striving for excellence, not just in one field or skill set, but in everything you do. From how you make the bed, to how you look after yourself, your attitude towards other and your motivation in your career. You can not be outstanding in one aspect of your life and then be average in everything else that you do, because your mindset isn't to be outstanding, your mindset is only to be average.

Added by: Stevan Gill on 10/04/2023